On Informatics

The Need to Build the Health IT Workforce

April 22nd, 2008

On April 17, 2008, I had the opportunity to present some research findings about the health information technology (HIT) workforce to the Capitol Hill Steering Committee on Telehealth and Healthcare Informatics in Washington, DC. I was introduced by our Congressman, David Wu (D-OR), whose legislation in this area (the 10,000 Trained by 2010 Act, named after a course I developed by the same name) has passed the House but is awaiting action in the Senate. Here are some documents and links related to the event:

  • The report of the findings
  • Slides and references from the talk
  • A press release from Oregon Health & Science University
  • A press release from HIMSS, whose HIMSS Analytics™ Database was used to provide data for the report
  • An audio report on the California Health Care Foundation’s iHealthBeat
  • An article in Healthcare IT News
  • An article in Modern Healthcare
  • A posting on iHealthBeat
  • A posting on the Federal Telemedicine News blog
  • An article in Health Data Management
  • A posting on Science Daily

I was introduced at the session by Congressman Wu, shown with me below.

Congressman Wu and myself

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